Friday, June 25, 2010

Becoming One

I recently married another young couple and it was once again a privilege, a joy, and a timely reminder.  I have not performed dozens of weddings, but just enough to remember how significant each one has been and that so far, 100% of them remain married! 

I vary the wedding ceremony depending on the couple's wishes and on their personalities - what I know of them, to waht degrees, and what I believe the Lord is wanting to be said on their special day.

But all the weddings I've led - if I remember accurately - always include at least this one truth:  God calls marriage a mystery.  The world says two incomplete people become one; in other words 50% + 50% makes 100%.  It's the Jerry Maguire heartwarming moment, "You complete me."  Well that's all romantic and such, but it's not a mystery.  It's just good math.

A mystery is when two whole, real people, 100% each, come together to make ... 100%.  It's not 50+50 = 100, nor 100+100 = 200.  It's not math, it's mystery, and the mystery is that out of the two whole, one new whole emerges.  And this new whole is beautifully unique, a perfect blend of two complementing one another as they merge 2 wills, 2 backgrounds, 2 perspectives on everything ... into 1 mind, heart, and soul.

I am so glad Kristi came into my life.  I love who she has been and who she is becoming.  Check out her latest blogs, and you'll see a glimpse of how we are increasingly becoming one.

For the glory of God, and the good of mankind. 


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