Monday, June 7, 2010

Two Texas Tales: Unveiling and Engaging Islam

Our vision as Christians in North America has been veiled. The wool has been pulled over our eyes. The decoy has worked effectively. What am I referring to? 

Sunday night we watched a video called “Turning Muslim in Texas”. With typical small town footage and country music in the background, we watched and listened – astounded – as three very “typical Texans” shared their stories of conversion… to Islam. Two of them claimed “strict Southern Baptist upbringings”; one of them was preparing to be a Baptist minister. What? How? Our questions exactly.

One woman, homely accent and all, gave me the only feasible answer: “I found no purpose for my life (in the church)”. The two men with beards, boots, and double-barrell shotguns claimed with clear conviction: “Islam gave us a way of life we could not find anywhere else”. Where did we go wrong?

I’m sure I can speak for most of us when we think of Muslims as the hardest, most difficult people on earth to reach with the message of Jesus. Would you agree? If I am honest, when asked about the chances of any of us “non-experts” leading Muslims to Jesus, I would say “close to impossible” – and that's generous only because I know Scripture says nothing is totally impossible with God, so I can’t say that.

So… while American Churches have been doodling with new buildings, ensuring air-conditioning works, tweaking worship service hours, igniting worship-style wars, hiring more staff, and reading Scripture from a “what have you done for ME lately?” approach … Texans have been converting to Islam because of a lack of purpose.

How can that be?? Having a sense of purpose is rooted in having a mission for your life. Each one of us knows we're not fully alive without purpose, because God created us in His image and God is a very purposeful, intentional God. In more traditional words, God is a missionary God, fully committed above all else to His glory through the redemption of nations. He is fully committed to that ONE purpose. Question is, are we?

MISSION is why the Church exists – plain and simple. MISSION makes us a people of purpose. But when x, y, z, and “me” get priority status ahead of our MISSION we become a people off-purpose. We become an empty religious group that offers less to men and women than even the wicked system of Islam. And that’s sad.

But this is a tale of two stories. After watching these video-stories we met a young woman named Jessica. Jessica is an American who lost her trust in Christianity and turned to Islam during a difficult time in her life. But Jessica has returned to Christ, and not alone. Her formerly Muslim husband is now a follower of Jesus too! And he is not alone. While we've been hiding our heads in the sand regarding Muslims, here’s what we’ve been missing:
• 1.5 billion Muslims now populate the earth (that's one in every 5 people). But how many of them can you name?
• At least 8 million Muslims now live in the United States. God knows we are restricted from Saudi Arabia, suspected in Morocco, and loathed in Lybia. So .. he's brought them here! They live all around us as students and servers and professionals! And MANY are coming to faith in Jesus! Fouad, the conference organizer, said he's been witnessing to Muslims since 1979 and that he has never seen a turning to Christ like today!

• The Quran tells Muslims to “read the Injeel” – the Christian New Testament! But most Muslims never have read it because they don’t have it!

• When you give them an Injeel, Muslims find Jesus irresistible! It is truly Good News to thirsty desperate hearts!
• Muslims are among the easiest people to start a spiritual conversation with!  Their favorite topics:  Politics and Religion!  They don’t know a God of forgiveness, agape love, or hope, but they want to know the truth!

Tonight we heard from people like you and me ministering to Muslims across North America. Awesome stories! Amazing love! Unbelievable influence! Simple surrender. Powerful God.

And we saw a video of a Church in Georgia positioning themselves on the front lines of the battle. Get this:

Ten days after 9-11, this church’s Senior and Missions pastors were standing on the rubble in NYC. The Senior pastor turns to the Mission’s pastor and says, “We need to decide: Are Muslims the enemy? Or are they the prize?”

Let that sink in for a minute. Ask it again. Ask it of yourself. But don't answer too quickly because your future purpose may depend on it.

What are they to you - enemy or prize?

I'm a competitive guy.  If there is a prize, I want to win it.  I desperately want to win my fantasy baseball league, but there is a far greater prize to be had!  But first thing I've had to do is confess that I have not wanted it!  I've been missing out on something far sweeter than the things I usually compete for.    

God will accomplish His purpose – His glory displayed through His redemption of people from all nations, tribes and tongues. Muslims are encountering the Savior through the simple, faithful witness of people like you and like me with one exception: These people are engaged! God’s purpose has become their MISSION. And they will set all other things aside in order to win the Prize!

Who wants it? 


Steve said...

Great to see your blog, David. Are Muslims the hardest to reach for Jesus? To be perfectly honest, I think that distinction belongs to North American middle class evangelicals. SJ

Unknown said...

Thank you for highlighting the importance of purpose and the Great Commission. Many Christians have yet to experience an understanding of thier role in God's great global mission. Mark

the Chans said...

Wow! Even after talking with you about this over the phone - the words in this blog still blew me away. As your wife, count me in!
As for traditional middle class North Americans being harder to reach? - The sad thing is they have TREMENDOUS access and heritage. And have essentially chosen to ignore God. (Shame on us as the North American church - we have been a poor example!) Muslims have neither. The idea is to look around us, to live in HIS purpose, on purpose. And care deeply for those things that GOD cares deeply about.

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