Saturday, May 15, 2010

So here we are at a 6-year old's birthday party and the theme is ... Michael Jackson! Really. Yes, I said six year old, not 36, which would make more sense.

Now by "theme" I don't mean napkins and cupcake sticks. No, we're talking event tent with a crystal ball (!), karaoke with a full-sized faux electric guitar, a stage, and - here's the funniest part - people my age and older ready to win the 80's dress up contest!

And the 6 year old birthday boy? He's enjoying the good ol' fashioned moon jump and trampoline, which begs the question: why do we "grown ups" do these things?

Maybe you're done asking those kinds of questions, but I'm just getting started. How much do I do which on the surface appears to be for others, but down at the core is really all for me and my gratification? Worse thought still, is much of what I do "for God" actually a clever cover for my own devices?

My prayer for Imagine is that we will transparently serve the global church, with the only goal being the maximum glory for the King - that's Jesus, not Michael or Elvis. One day, even their stories will be forgotten, but there is one Story that will be told for eternity. Will you have a role in it?

Time to go, moonwalk contest is starting and I think I have a fair chance!


vickypad said...

Funny and Clever. So did you win the moonwalk contest? jejeje

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